Langara Faculty Association - Important Dates for 2020

LFA Board Elections

Nominations  March 2 (Mon) to March 6 (Fri)
Campaign Notes Due March 11 (Wed)
Ballots out March 16 (Mon)
Ballots in by 3:30 p.m. March 20 (Fri), Counted: March 20 (Fri)

Nominations March 23 (Mon) – March 27 (Fri)
Campaign Notes Due April 1 (Wed)
Ballots out April 2 (Thurs)
Ballots in by 3:30 p.m. April 8 (Wed), Counted: April 8 (Wed)

Board Members
Nominations April 3 (Fri) - April 9 (Thurs)
Campaign Notes Due April 16 (Wed)
Ballots out April 17 (Fri)
Ballots in by 3:30 p.m. April 23 (Thurs), Counted: April 23 (Thurs)

Annual General Meeting & Retiree Social

AGM - Thursday, May 28, 2020 at 1:30 via Zoom

Retiree Social –  has been postponed, due to COVID social distancing constraints


Report on the FPSE AGM & Convention, 13-16 May 2019

Chandra Pasma, FPSE AGM 2019

Report by Stephen Phillips

The 49th AGM and Convention of the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC (FPSE) was held last May at Kelowna, on the unceded territory of the Syilx People of the Okanagan Nation. It was attended by delegates representing the Federation’s 19 affiliated college and university faculty associations, including the LFA.  The meeting’s theme - Solidarity in Action: Together for a Better Future - was a reminder of the continuing importance to faculty of collective action, especially as 2019-20 is a bargaining year for member locals.