LFA BBQ on May 23rd

LFA Burger & Bevvy BBQ will be on Thursday May 23rd @ 4:30 at the Langara Golf Club.  Come and connect with other faculty @ Langara Golf Course -- rain or shine. A $10 ticket gets you a beverage (beer, wine or non-alcoholic), salad and a burger (beef, veg, chicken) with all the fixings.  Due to space limitations, attendance is limited to 70 and if you are interested in attending, please email [email protected] to find out how to register.

Annual General Meeting and Retiree Social

LFA Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The AGM will take place on Thursday May 9th­, 2019 at 12:45pm in Room T530.

Agenda packages will be distributed electronically to members prior to the meeting.

LFA Retirees Social

Following the AGM, a Retirees’ Social will take place at 2:30 pm in the Employee Lounge to celebrate the retirement of our fellow faculty members.

The faculty who have agreed to attend are:

  • Albert Wong (Mathematics & Statistics)
  • Rebecca Friesen (Mathematics & Statistics)
  • Alan Brain (Anthropology & Sociology)
  • Marjory Lang (History/Political Science/Latin)

All employees are welcome at the Social! Please plan to join us! Refreshments will be served.

Questions? Please contact Amy at local 5343.


Spring 2019 Board Election Results

April 15, 2019 update from Deborah Blacklock, Chief Returning Officer:

Please join me in congratulating the following members who have been acclaimed to the LFA Board for the 2019/20 year:

Patricia Aroca-Ouellette
Janet Douglas
Cathy Huth
Darrell Kean
Brian Koehler
Tanya Lewis
Jessie Smith

March 12, 2019 and April 3, 2019 updates from Deborah Blacklock, Chief Returning Officer:

Please join me in congratulating Scott McLean who has been acclaimed LFA President and Alison Curtis who has been acclaimed as LFA Vice President for the 2019/20 year.